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"I want to be a nurse"  

Muhindo Britah

What is your favorite food, color and animal?

"My favorite food is chips and chicken because they are sweet.  My favorite color is green because it shines. My favorite animal is a cat because it is always clean."

What is your favorite subject in school?

"My favorite subject is science."

What do you want to be in the future?

"I want to be a nurse" 

What are your hobbies?  

"I like reading story books."

Who are your best friends?

"My best friends are Lilian and Linnet."

Which country would you like to visit in the future?

"I would like to visit the USA." 

If you would have three wishes what would you wish?

"I wish to help our aunt (Masika Clavin) to build the school and buy for me new school shoes and a ruler."

What is your favorite place in school or in the orphanage?

"My favorite place at school is the office because there are a lot of games in the office.

Britah is a whirlwind of energy, and her laughter is so infectious that you can't help but join in. Though she may appear reserved at first, once she warms up, she's all about spending time with those around her.

One unique aspect of Britah is her playful competitiveness. Whether it's a game or a friendly contest, she's determined to win and may even try a bit of strategic cheating. It's her way of adding an extra layer of fun to the activities she enjoys with her brothers and sisters.

Dancing is one of Britah's greatest joys, as she mimics the moves of her older sisters, and she always requests Ugandan pop songs to keep the spirits high. Recently graduating from P3, Britah is determined in her studies, acknowledging areas where she can improve.

Even though she successfully navigated her classes, Britah recognizes the importance of refining specific grades. Your contribution ensures that Britah's vibrant personality continues to shine, fostering her love for learning and personal growth.

Enrich Britah's Journey, ways to Support:

  • School sponsoring

    Every month
    This amount contributes to securing educational journey by covering various essential aspects
    • school fees
    • school supplies
    • school meals
    • school trips
  • Lifestyle sponsoring

    Every month
    This contribution goes beyond supporting academic journey; it ensures her daily essentials,
    • medical bills and clothing
    • daily expenses: water, fore wood, electricity, transport
    • special celebrations: festive celebrations, gifts
  • Make a gift

    Your generous single donation has the power to turn their dreams into tangible realities.

    Thank you for participating in our Adoption Support Program. This initiative focuses on providing economic aid to orphans, enhancing their quality of life. Please note that this program is not a legal adoption but a means of impactful support. Monthly contributions directly contribute to the child's well-being. You will build a meaningful connection through regular updates and virtual engagements. For legal matters, this program does not constitute adoption. Thank you for being a part of positive change.

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