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"I want to be a surgeon doctor."

What is your favorite food, color and animal? 

"My favorite color is green because it represents the vegetation of Uganda and it is found on the Uganda Coat of Arms. I like to see a giraffe because it is so funny and it is beautiful to see. My favorite food is chips and chicken because it is so sweet delicious to taste."

What is your favorite subject in school?

"When in school I like science as my favorite subject because what I want to become in future requires a lot of science."

What do you want to be in the future?

"I would like to become a surgeon doctor. Why? A surgeon doctor receives enough money for the family because he gets a lot of money."

What are your hobbies?

"My hobby is playing football because it can help me to become a famous person."

Who is your best friend?

"My best friend is Benson because he cares for me well and he is so loving and friendly." 

Which country would you like to visit in the future?

"I would like to visit Italy because it is where most of the good friends come from."

If you would have three wishes what would you wish?

"If I had three free wishes i would wish to have a bicycle and to travel to some European countries and also to tour some other interesting places that are new to me. Why? 

When I travel to other countries, I find some other friends who can support me in everything and learn so many things about the certain country.

A bicycle helps in transport as a young boy because I cannot be accepted to drive a car or a motorcycle so thats why I support yo have a bicycle.

New places in Uganda can help me to pass exams because many of the places and their geography are found in the examination so I can be able to answer correct answers because I will have studied about them." 

What is your favorite place in school or in the orphanage?

"My favorite place is the dining room/ watching room because it is where I watch so many funny movies which are interesting to watch. 


Eddy, one of our eldest boys, stands out for his exceptional care and consideration towards his siblings. Always armed with a kind word, he leaves a positive impact on anyone fortunate enough to cross paths with him.

His passion for school and, particularly, science is unmistakable. Eddy is fueled by an insatiable curiosity, constantly seeking to deepen his understanding of scientific principles and mathematics.

Not just academically inclined, Eddy's caring nature extends to practical support in various aspects of daily life, whether it's lending a hand in the kitchen or contributing to cleaning efforts. His playful side surfaces when he's having fun with his siblings and friends.

Eddy finds joy in activities like football and playing cards. True to his character, he values adhering to rules during games and also takes the time to indulge in reading books, a testament to his multifaceted interests.

Your continued support ensures that Eddy's caring and passionate spirit, both academically and in everyday life, continues to flourish, contributing not only to his personal growth but also to the positive atmosphere within the entire family.

Enrich Eddy‘s Journey, ways to Support:

  • School sponsoring

    Every month
    This amount contributes to securing educational journey by covering various essential aspects
    • school fees
    • school supplies
    • school meals
    • school trips
  • Lifestyle sponsoring

    Every month
    This contribution goes beyond supporting academic journey; it ensures her daily essentials,
    • medical bills and clothing
    • daily expenses: water, fore wood, electricity, transport
    • special celebrations: festive celebrations, gifts
  • Make a gift

    Your generous single donation has the power to turn their dreams into tangible realities.

    Thank you for participating in our Adoption Support Program. This initiative focuses on providing economic aid to orphans, enhancing their quality of life. Please note that this program is not a legal adoption but a means of impactful support. Monthly contributions directly contribute to the child's well-being. You will build a meaningful connection through regular updates and virtual engagements. For legal matters, this program does not constitute adoption. Thank you for being a part of positive change.

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