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"I want to be an accountant."

What is your favorite food, color and animal? 

"My favorite color is green because all vegetation is green. My favorite food is Pizza because it is what I eat the most. My favorite animal is an elephant because it is very big."

What is your favorite subject in school?

"My favorite subject is science because it is practical."

What do you want to be in the future?

"I would like to become an accouter because I think you get a lot of money."

What are your hobbies?

"I would like to be a dancer because dancing is good."

Who is your best friend?

"My best friend is Akowa because she always makes me happy."

Which country would you like to visit in the future?

"I would like to visit Italy because all Italians are rich."

If you would have three wishes what would you wish?

"I would like to plaint my hair, buy a new dress and new shoes."

What is your favorite place in school or in the orphanage?

"I like to go to the library because i like reading."



Janet, one of the eldest and a boarder, is an exuberant soul who effortlessly makes you feel heard the moment you engage in conversation with her. An extroverted personality, she radiates warmth and creates an atmosphere where everyone's voice is valued.

A true aficionado of Ugandan music, Janet's knowledge extends to every artist and song from the past few years. She not only leads the dance floor among her siblings but also excels as a skilled dance teacher. In fact, one of her dreams is to start dance classes, aspiring to master her talent and share it with others.

Beyond her rhythmic prowess, Janet is an excellent student, bringing home funny stories from school that she narrates with infectious laughter. Her zest for life is palpable, especially when it comes to her passions for music and food.

Your continued support ensures that Janet's vibrant spirit and talents continue to blossom, contributing not only to her personal growth but also to the joy and harmony within the family.

Enrich Janet‘s Journey, ways to Support:

  • School sponsoring

    Every month
    This amount contributes to securing educational journey by covering various essential aspects
    • school fees
    • school supplies
    • school meals
    • school trips
  • Lifestyle sponsoring

    Every month
    This contribution goes beyond supporting academic journey; it ensures her daily essentials,
    • medical bills and clothing
    • daily expenses: water, fore wood, electricity, transport
    • special celebrations: festive celebrations, gifts
  • Make a gift

    Your generous single donation has the power to turn their dreams into tangible realities.

    Thank you for participating in our Adoption Support Program. This initiative focuses on providing economic aid to orphans, enhancing their quality of life. Please note that this program is not a legal adoption but a means of impactful support. Monthly contributions directly contribute to the child's well-being. You will build a meaningful connection through regular updates and virtual engagements. For legal matters, this program does not constitute adoption. Thank you for being a part of positive change.

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