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"I want to be a doctor"  

What is your favorite food, color and animal? 

"I I like pizza and strawberry juice because they are so delicious and they are in my best country Italy. I like black because it stands for dark skinned people. I like lions because they are the kings of Jangwa and have beautiful colors".

What is your favorite subject in school?

"My favorite subject in school is science."

What do you want to be in the future?

"I want to be a doctor."

What are your hobbies?

"My hobbies are music, football, swimming and playing games"

Who is your best friend?

"My best friend is Gloria."

Which country would you like to visit in the future?

"I want to visit Italy."

If you would have three wishes what would you wish?

"If I would have three free wishes I would want new clothes, new shoes, a watch."

What is your favorite place in school or in the orphanage?

"My favorite place is the kitchen because it is where we cook from and if it was not there we couldn't be eating."

Nankunda Queen 

Queen, a uniquely charming individual, embodies a delightful blend of curiosity and shyness. Upon first meeting her, one can sense her observant nature as she carefully studies those around her, eager to unravel the intricacies of their personalities through a multitude of questions.

Beneath her initial reserve, Queen reveals a caring heart that extends to her love for languages. She enthusiastically immerses herself in learning diverse vocabularies, showcasing her appreciation for linguistic nuances. Additionally, her passions for dancing and cooking illuminate her fascination with exploring various cultural cuisines and dance forms.

Carrying a notebook as her constant companion, Queen diligently records everything she finds intriguing or wishes to learn. This practice reflects her commitment to continuous self-improvement and the pursuit of knowledge.

Having recently graduated from P5, Queen is poised to embrace the challenges of P6 with her academic prowess. Her top performance across all classes is a testament to her love for studying, particularly in the fields of science and math. Queen's quick learning abilities further underscore her dedication to academic excellence.

Your ongoing support ensures that Queen's unique blend of curiosity, caring nature, and academic enthusiasm continues to flourish, fostering an environment conducive to her personal growth and success.

Enrich Queen's Journey, ways to Support:

  • School sponsoring

    Every month
    This amount contributes to securing educational journey by covering various essential aspects
    • school fees
    • school supplies
    • school meals
    • school trips
  • Lifestyle sponsoring

    Every month
    This contribution goes beyond supporting academic journey; it ensures her daily essentials,
    • medical bills and clothing
    • daily expenses: water, fore wood, electricity, transport
    • special celebrations: festive celebrations, gifts
  • Make a gift

    Your generous single donation has the power to turn their dreams into tangible realities.

    Thank you for participating in our Adoption Support Program. This initiative focuses on providing economic aid to orphans, enhancing their quality of life. Please note that this program is not a legal adoption but a means of impactful support. Monthly contributions directly contribute to the child's well-being. You will build a meaningful connection through regular updates and virtual engagements. For legal matters, this program does not constitute adoption. Thank you for being a part of positive change.

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