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"I want to be a doctor."

What is your favorite food, color and animal? 

"My favorite color is green.Why? Because the vegetation is green. My favorite food is chips and chicken and my favorite animal is a lion."

What is your favorite subject in school?

"My favorite subject is english."

What do you want to be in the future?

"I would like to be a doctor."

What are your hobbies?

"Playing Volleyball."

Who is your best friend?

"My best friend is Nelia."

Which country would you like to visit in the future?

"I would like to visit Italy."

If you would have three wishes what would you wish?

"i would wish to get a school bag."

What is your favorite place in school or in the orphanage?

"The kitchen. Why? It is where we cook food that we eat." 


Muhindo Rita

Rita, the embodiment of vivacity, infuses every corner with her boundless energy and a perpetually radiant smile. Engaging in a conversation with her is a guarantee for laughter, as her infectious happiness exudes from every interaction.

Among the early arrivals, Rita has blossomed into a smart, loving, and caring individual. Despite her awareness of the world around her, she eagerly embraces the joy of playful activities, avoiding any mention of football or netball – her hidden playful escapes.

With an innate sense of competition balanced by a playful spirit, Rita finds solace behind the camera, capturing moments that encapsulate the essence of everything and everyone around her. Her passion for learning about diverse cultures is matched only by her enthusiasm for sharing captivating stories from her own.

An academic standout, Rita excels in her classes, with curiosity serving as her driving force. Topping her classes, she navigates her educational journey with an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

Your continued support ensures that Rita's vibrant personality, love for learning, and zest for life continue to shine, enriching not only her personal growth but also the dynamic spirit of the entire family.

Enrich Rita‘s Journey, ways to Support:

  • School sponsoring

    Every month
    This amount contributes to securing educational journey by covering various essential aspects
    • school fees
    • school supplies
    • school meals
    • school trips
  • Lifestyle sponsoring

    Every month
    This contribution goes beyond supporting academic journey; it ensures her daily essentials,
    • medical bills and clothing
    • daily expenses: water, fore wood, electricity, transport
    • special celebrations: festive celebrations, gifts
  • Make a gift

    Your generous single donation has the power to turn their dreams into tangible realities.

    Thank you for participating in our Adoption Support Program. This initiative focuses on providing economic aid to orphans, enhancing their quality of life. Please note that this program is not a legal adoption but a means of impactful support. Monthly contributions directly contribute to the child's well-being. You will build a meaningful connection through regular updates and virtual engagements. For legal matters, this program does not constitute adoption. Thank you for being a part of positive change.

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