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Worth a Haven Primary school 

Ensuring every child's right to school education, regardless of their environment, is at the core of our mission. Our school, a beacon of education, acts as a haven for hundreds of children in a fragile community, navigating daily challenges. Embracing the motto 'Preparing children for success in life,' we dedicate ourselves daily to uphold this commitment. Our goal is not only to impart knowledge but also to nurture free expression, fostering creativity and paving the way for a healthy and secure future. The realization of our school was once a distant dream, but after years of planning, sacrifices, and collaboration with global supporters, we proudly opened the doors to Nursery and Primary School Worth a Haven in 2022. Here, our foundational principles come to life, providing quality education to over 250 pupils from vulnerable backgrounds.


Nestled in the heart of Kirembe cell, Kasese District, our school has become a beacon, not just for the local villages of Kirembe, Wasiiwanaba, and Kyababinga, but for the entire Kasese community. At present, our school boasts three nursery classes and five primary classes, with a promise on the horizon to add a sixth class soon. We are committed to fostering sustainable development within the community by providing education to young minds and offering employment opportunities to parents as cooks, watchmen, or teachers. This creates a foundation for a stable and enduring sense of communal future.

Our foundation's mission is a formidable journey. Many of the children we welcome have never experienced formal education due to their fragile conditions, and our school faces a daily battle to stay true to its mission. Sustaining this mission comes with challenges; the school must cover teachers' services, supply students with learning essentials, and provide two meals daily. Given the economic situations of most families in the community, the burden of these costs falls largely on the foundation's shoulders, presenting one of our most significant challenges. This underscores the critical need for constant support from our donors and partners.

Furthermore, within the community, there is a pressing need for a more comprehensive education to ensure the children can progress in their academic journey. With the collective support from people around the world, the foundation is actively working towards completing a sixth class for the primary level, securing a stable path for all the children.

As we continue to grow, our school envisions expanding further to secure every space, ensuring a secure future and comprehensive education for every child in our community. Explore more about our future projects in the dedicated section.

Baby class 


Middle class 

Top class 


Primary 1


Primary 2


Primary 3 


Primary 4

Primary 5

Our teachers 


Empowering Tomorrow: Our Ongoing Projects

New classrooms (P6 and P7)

In February 2022, the foundation embarked on the construction of three new classrooms. As of November 2023, with the generous support of compassionate individuals from distant lands who believed in our vision, we have successfully resumed and aim to complete all constructions by February 2023. However, to achieve this ambitious goal and continue providing more children with a holistic and well-rounded education, we still require additional funds. Your contributions matter; consider donating to support our mission.

Building a fence 

Ensuring the safety and security of our school community is paramount. One crucial aspect of achieving this is the construction of a protective perimeter fence around the entire school grounds. This vital project not only establishes a secure environment for current educational activities but also lays the foundation for future developments, such as the envisioned Primary 7 expansion. As we aspire to enhance the learning experience for our children, the prospect of a hostel is on the horizon. A robust perimeter fence becomes imperative, creating a conducive space for focused learning and providing a secure haven for their educational journey.

Recreational and multiporpouses space

 To ensure a multipurpose education, the school has a dream to implement a space where play and multidisciplinary activities can be carried out safely. Specifically, we would like to build an outdoor recreation area with hard paving , with compressed soil  along with materials readily available on site, to make an 'area the size of about 12m by 12m and a structure equipped 18 x 10 mt for various sports activities with materials not dissimilar to the other, both intended for a use of spaces more protected and safe for the health of children.

Hostel - Dormitory

To foster a robust and stable educational environment, it is essential to create a dedicated space for the academic growth of P6 and P7 students. This initiative involves establishing accommodation facilities that enable these students to reside on campus, offering them a haven from the external challenges they face daily. The significance of this endeavor lies in providing an undisturbed and focused atmosphere for their studies, ensuring an uninterrupted and enduring educational journey. This holistic approach aims to fortify their learning experience, contributing to a sustained and impactful educational process.


At the heart of every educational institution lies a sanctuary of knowledge—the library. This sacred space serves as a haven where children embark on journeys of self-discovery, navigating their interests and passions. Simultaneously, it becomes a realm where teachers weave the tapestry of their wisdom into the fabric of young minds. Beyond a collection of books, a library embodies the essence of a developing education that aspires to equip children for a future marked by security and success. It is a dynamic hub where the seeds of curiosity are sown, and the fruits of knowledge are harvested, contributing profoundly to the holistic growth and preparation of the students for the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.


Creating a designated space for communal meals may seem trivial, but it holds utmost significance. Currently, our children eat either in the classroom or outdoors, often in locations devoid of chairs and tables. This practice inadvertently associates classrooms with dining, hindering their ability to focus on lessons. This not only impacts their concentration but also leads to fatigue. Moreover, the lack of a sheltered space exposes them to adverse weather conditions, affecting their health. To address these concerns and provide an environment conducive to both learning and nourishment, it is essential to construct a dedicated dining area where children can associate with meals without being hindered by external circumstances.

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